Safety Procedure in Handling Equipment

 Safety Procedure in Handling Equipment

Kitchen work usually considered safe in comparison with industrial jobs. Minor injuries from cuts and burns are very common during kitchen operations however if precaution is not taken properly, serious injuries too are possible.


  Safety Work Place

 It is much easier to develop and practice habits that prevent accidents.

• Make sure that Structure, equipments, and electric wirings are in good repair condition.
• Non-slip floors.
• Adequate lighting on work surfaces and in corridors.
• Clearly marked exits.
• Equipment supplied with necessary safety devices.
• Heat-activated fire extinguishers over cooking equipment, especially deep fryers.
• Conveniently posted emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers.
• Clearly posted emergency telephone numbers
• Smooth traffic patterns to avoid collisions.




 • Keep knives sharp

• Use a cutting board

• Pay attention to your work

• Cut away from yourself and other workers

• Use knives only for cutting

• Clean knives carefully

• Store knives in a safe place

• Carry knives properly

• Keep breakable items out of the food production area

• Sweep up, don’t pick up, broken glass

• Discard chipped or cracked dishes and glasses

• Use a special container for broken dishes and glasses

• If there is broken glass in the sink, drain the sink

• Remove all nails and staples when opening crates and cartons



 • Don’t try to catch a falling knife

• Don’t put knives in a sink, underwater

• Don’t put breakable items in a pot sink.


Preventing Burns:

 • Always assume a pot handle is hot

• Use dry pads or towels to handle hot pans

• Keep pan handles out of the aisle

• Don’t fill pans so full that they are likely to spill hot food

• Open lids away from you

• Get help when moving heavy containers of hot food

• Use care when opening compartment steamers

• Make sure gas is well vented

• Wear long sleeves and a double-breasted jacket

• Dry foods before putting them in frying fat

• When placing foods in hot fat, let them fall away from you

• Keep liquids away from the deep fryer

• Warn service people about hot plates

• Always warn people when you are walking behind them with hot pans.


Preventing fire


Following steps can be taken to prevent fire outbreak in premises.


• Know where fire extinguishers are located

• Use the right kind of extinguisher.

• There are Six classes of fires and fire extinguishers:

Class A fires: (Ash)wood, paper, cloth, ordinary combustibles.

Class B fires: (Boiling) burning liquids, such as grease, oil, gasoline

Class C fires: (Gases) butane, methane, propane etc.

Class D fires: (Metals) aluminium, magnesium etc.

Class E fires: (Electricals) switches, motors, electrical equipment, and so forth

Class F fires: (Foam) Cooking oil & Fat

• Keep a supply of salt or baking soda handy to put out fires on a range tops.

• Keep hoods and other equipment free from grease build-ups

• Smoke only in designated areas

• If a fire alarm sounds and if you have time, turn off all gas and electrical appliances before leaving.

• Keep fire doors closed

• Keep exits free from obstacles.

• Preventing Injuries from Machines and equipment.

• Use all guards and safety devices

• Unplug electrical equipment before cleaning

• Wear properly fitting clothing and tuck in apron strings

• Use equipment only for the purpose intended.


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