Hors d’ oeuvre in other languages & culture:

Hors d’ oeuvre in other languages & culture:

  • v  Zakuski are hors d'oeuvre in Russian cuisines. Usually presented buffet style, it often consists of cured meats and fishes, various pickled vegetables such as beets, cucumbers, and garlic, prepared salads, caviar, and breads.


  • v  In China, it is called lěng pán  ("cold plate"), or qián cài 前菜 ("before dish") in Mandarin.



  • v  Zensai (前菜 lit. before dish?) is Japanese for hors d'oeuvre.


  • v  In Vietnamese, đồ nguội khai vị ("cold plate first course") is for hors d'oeuvre.



  • v  In Italian they are called antipasto.


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